Sonic Battle Adventure 2

Sonic Adventure 2

Sonic was not a well known game in my family tree, we primarily focus on Nintendo games. Despite my families rivalry with Sega this was one of the only games I have played that is by Sega. This game consists of a story mode, a ChoaWorld, as well as a versus mode. The game is a 3D game were Sonic or five other characters complete stages for either good or bad to complete the story mode. The choice between good and bad enables you to choose from either playing as Sonic, Knuckles and Tails or you can choose evil and your choices will be Shadow, Rouge, and Dr. Eggman. I personally choice evil almost every time due to the difference in the choices of Chao's that are unlocked faster, The choice does not really change the levels that much, for example the first level of Sonic and Shadow's story consists of racing through town to get the end, while Knuckles and Rouge's levels are spent digging in various area's for emeralds. While Dr. Eggman and Tail's levels are spent inside a robotic suit taking on enemies or exploring areas. These story lines are vary similar except for who your enemies are, whether they are the city police, or Dr. Eggman's robotic creations. My personal favorite levels are the levels that require top speed, such as Shadow and Sonic's level's which consist of running fast with easy puzzles. These levels are also countered by the level's for Rouge and Knuckles which consists of using a metal detector for gems while searching an island for these gems it can take some time. The gem detector will only light green, yellow or red. Green means that the gem is nearby and this can mean a large area, like if the island has four sections, it could mean you are in a section that has a gem, but these areas are large. Yellow just subtracts that area to about a twenty by twenty area and red means it is with in five steps of you. Overall the story mode of the game is average, the speed run of the game is a little over an hour and twenty minutes, but this is not all the parts of the game.
The Chao world, this was the focus of my six year old brain when I played. This is were you could send your Chao to school, the gym, or hangout and feed them on a small island. This is where you could unlock multiple areas and choosing the dark story matters first. This is were you can get a dark and light Chao world. The dark Chao world was my favorite due to the interior design, as well as just being able to mess around and beat mini-games and then create a child that can beat the child that beat the other child in the mini-games.
Overall the game was fun, but I do not play it anymore and it is not high up compared to the other games that I have reviewed.


  1. your right i wasn't a very well known game but it was still a good one


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